
Sleeping Beauty

According to Satoda, Yossi has sleeping face like an angel. And she takes photos of Her with her phone when She's sleeping (?) <3

Damn these two make me love them more and more every day <3
I just love and adore their friendship. They make fun of each other and you can really see how much they still love one another. Of course you can't forget Ayaka but sadly they won't work together anymore...
I hope YoshiSato will have another FC tour next year and there will be DVD too. I really really like the previous two DVDs. In the last one Yossi was just so damn cute <3

Of course it would be even better if there was Yomiki FC tour, but I doubt it... I'm 99,9% sure there will never be a FC tour like that... And it makes me sad...
Well, Miki's really lucky to see the sleeping face like angel every night xD
Now I want to hear how Miki looks when she's sleeping xD (eh... wait... did I already hear something about it... O_O Don't remember xD)

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