Everything started with Minimoni and Yaguchi. Then I saw Yossi and She has been my favorite ever since.
But what about some of the other members.
Well, actually I didn’t like Miki first..... I don’t know... She just didn’t make me like her. Then I saw her interacting with Yossi and she pretty fast became one of my favorites. Later I liked her as herself. She didn’t have to me part of Yomiki anymore to make me like her.
I didn’t like Yuko or Yasuda either. But now I have realised how great they actually are. They can both sing and they are so damn hilarious. And seems like the older Yuko becomes the better she looks.
I listed Takahashi to one of my favorites before... I thought she was great singer (which she is, if you happen to like her voice), but that was all. Now I dislike her almost as much as Koharu.
Almost the same happened with Rika. I liked her, a lot. But now... I don’t want to hate her, but sometimes I feel like I dislike her more and more every time I see her. Maybe that’s the reason I just try to ignore her xD
I have been thinking why this “from liking to hating” -thing happened. Maybe because I always got tired to them (Takahashi, Rika) being in front. But funny thing is that this didn’t happen with Abe or Maki... Other reason might be the fans... I know it’s stupid reason, but if I didn’t like English because of the teachers I had, it can be possible. I know I’m like them when I praise Yossi the same way they praise their favorites. But I don’t try to make people like Her. Sometimes I just have a feeling that these other fans are like “whaaaaaaaaaaat you don’t like XX!!! omg why!!! She’s great. And her voice is amazing”. You just can’t please everyone... It’s that simple. That’s why I like Hitomi Heaven. It’s a place where I can praise, adore and worship Yossi and I don’t have to feel bad about not liking that much other H!P members.
What scares me the most is that I have realised my Ishiyoshi “fandom” keeps fating a little at the same time my dislike to Rika grows... Dunno... Maybe the main reason for this is again some of the fans... Those how have to bash other fandoms to make their favorite pair look better and more real... Or is it just the fact that I dislike the other part more and more... But thanks god I still know some more broad-minded 1444 fans and I love Yossi more and more every day, so maybe I have hope LOL
Don’t get me wrong. I still LIKE Ishiyoshi. I really do. Not just as much as before. Right now I actually like hANGRY&ANGRY more xD But if Yossi and Rika will announcement they are real couple some day I’ll be more than happy x)
When Elders graduate from H!P there’s no one left I really deeply like... But I'm pretty sure I'll check what's going on with them sometimes. Just like I still check occasionally what MM have been doing after Yomiki's graduation (only because of Eri, thought).